On Air
Non-Stop Hits
14:00 - 19:00


We've got some fantastic deals for advertisers and show sponsors. You could get your business on-air from as little as £20 a month. That's less than 67p a day!

If you've never advertised on radio before don't worry! We can take care of producing your advert or sponsor message, and we'll help you get the best from response from our listeners.

Sponsor A Show.
From £20.00 a month. (Minimum six month plan).

Become a show sponsor and your message will be played at the beginning and middle of each hour of your show.

Mention 1 is directly after the news and weather at the top of the hour and will along the lines of "Weekend Breakfast is brought to you with *business name* (followed a short promotional message)".
Mention 2 will be during the half hour commercials.

One-hour show (Mon-Fri, 5 days): £35.00 per calendar month.
Two-hour show (Mon-Fri, 5 days): £45.00 per calendar month.

One-hour show (Sat and Sun, 2 days): £20.00 per calendar month.
Two-hour show (Sat and Sun, 2 days): £25.00 per calendar month.

30 Second Commercial. (Minimum three month plan).
From £35.00 a month.

Advertise your business on Mind Station and we'll play your 30-second commercial up to twelve times between 06:00am and 23:59 EVERY DAY. We guarantee to play your advert in our most popular programmes.

Starter Package;
Three 30-second commercials played at different times every day of the month.
£35.00 per calendar month.

Growing Business Package;
Six 30-second commercial played at different times every day of the month.
£55.00 per calendar month.

Get Recognised Package;
Twelve 30-second commercial played at different times every day of the month.
£95.00 per calendar month.

Why not combine a commercial with a show sponsorship and save even more money? All of our packages can be altered by increasing or decreasing the combinations of rates above with adjustments to suit your budget requirements. Contact us for more details.

Information we need from advertisers.

1. BASIC INFORMATION. Please let us have the your name, address and contact telephone number of your organisation at least two weeks ahead of broadcasting any advertisement or daily sponsorship.

2. FOR ON-AIR ADVERTISEMENTS. We can help you write a listener-grabbing commercial. We'll also take care of the production for a one-off fee of £75.00.

3. FOR SPONSORSHIP. Please discuss with us how you would like your sponsorship to be announced.

4. PAYMENT. Confirmation about payment and invoice details. Are you paying annually, quarterly or monthly in advance and when do you require a receipted invoice?

Advertising fee payments
As we are staffed by volunteers so it's vital for Mind Station to receive advertising and sponsorship income at regular intervals in advance of our outgoings, in order to meet the ongoing costs for licence and broadcasting rights, programme making, printing and many other expenses. We therefore ask you to set up a regular payment for your monthly rates, unless you are paying in advance annual or quarterly and please confirm when this is done. 

Contact us
Feel free to contact us to discuss your detailed requirements
Email to hello@mindstation.studio